Wednesday, 28 December 2011

DIY Recycling your old Vintage T's

We all have those favourite T-shirts we love and cherish, and as the years pass, they become smaller and worn out although their to precious to give away. why not recycle them and give them a new life?
 I have a confession to make Iam a tinee tad bit of a hoarder, I find I'm always hanging on to certain items hoping to find a new life or use for them.
 I've been hanging onto certain T-shirts I love and used to wear all the time. Sadly I eventually grew out of them. They've been sitting at the bottom of my drawers neglected to be worn for months,they needed a new life. After contemplating finally giving in and giving them away, I decided to give them a new life as art for my walls. I love this because not only do I have original pictures to personalize my place and hang on my walls, but the memories and beauty of the T's will live on :D

Here's what you'll need:

  • Large Picture frames to fit your T-shirt. (these are 30x40cm, 11 3/4"x15 3/4")
  • Old favourite T-shirt
  • Scissors
To do this project takes three simple steps!!!

1.) Take your desired picture frame out of the packaging, take the backing out.

2.) Position your T-shirt where you want it over the backing.

3.) Replace the backing into the frame and secure. Take your scissors and cut the access fabric off the T-shirt. Pick the perfect place for it on your walls and enjoy :D

Yayy!! now your favourite T's have a wonderful new home and you can cherish them for many more years. What I love about this project is the options are endless!!! Recycle your old concert T's, favourite vintage T's any T your proud to display on your walls. 

Enjoy and have fun
What are some of your favourite T's??? 
Would love to see what you guys come up with. feel free to send me emails and pics :D
